Marcus Garvey Park Historic Preservation

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The Mount Morris Park Community Improvement Association (MMPCIA), Marcus Garvey Park Alliance, and Save Harlem Now!,  are serving as community partners with the NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to nominate Marcus Garvey Park for inclusion in the National and State Registers of Historic Places. These registers are the official lists of sites and structures significant to New York’s history, recognizing important locations across the state.

Marcus Garvey Park’s potential inclusion highlights its significance in Harlem’s rich local history. Notably, only 3% of the sites currently listed are related to African-American history. Having Marcus Garvey Park listed can help redefine historical significance and improve access to funding and preservation resources. This support is vital for maintaining and enhancing the park as a historic site within the already recognized Mt. Morris Park Historic District.


Inclusion in the National Register could qualify the park for preservation grants and tax incentives, which are crucial for ongoing maintenance and educational projects. It also helps ensure the park’s history is preserved and celebrated for future generations, enhancing community pride and historical awareness.


The application includes gathering oral histories and community collaboration, documenting the park’s contributions to our shared heritage. We are calling for community members to contribute their stories and memories of Marcus Garvey Park.** Your experiences are invaluable to capturing the essence of what makes this park a cornerstone of Harlem’s cultural and historical landscape.


Join us in preserving and celebrating Marcus Garvey Park. Contact us to share your story or to learn more about the nomination process.