NYC Parks Responds to Community Questions Part 1 2024

We recently received responses from NYC Parks to the questions raised during our April 26th community meeting. Below are the answers provided by Tapashi Narine, Administrator of Historic Harlem Parks, and other Parks officials. These responses address various concerns and plans for Marcus Garvey Park.
Stay tuned as we’re expecting responses to additional questions about funding.
Q: Can we have Bishop’s Crook lamp posts throughout the park?
A: While Bishop Crook’s lights are beautiful, they do not last very long and we don’t see the benefit of installing them. The Bishop Crook lights installed at Morningside Park were funded by the Council Member.
Q: Is it possible to install cameras on top of the Acropolis?
A: Parks and NYPD has to agreed to install camera on top of Acropolis. Parks agreed to install cameras there and will follow up with NYPD.
Q:How do we ensure our volunteer efforts are recorded in your application?
A: Tapashi encourages volunteers from MMPCIA to reach out to her. Depending on what type of volunteer event (non-profit, corporate, or local group), I can connect you to the relevant Parks’ employee. If your volunteer efforts are with Partnership for Parks, your hours will be logged by them.
Q:Who monitors the contractors working in the park?
A: If you notice something out of the ordinary, please let a Parks’ employee know. Parks has a resident engineer assigned to every construction project and can check an unsafe condition once notified.
Q: Which community board is responsible for the park?
A: Marcus Garvey borders community board 10 and 11 but the park sits in community board 11.
Q:When will the pool be renovated?
A: There are no current pool renovations planned. In front of the pool building, we have removed dead trees and planted 5 trees and 3 shrubs in planters. In preparation for pool season, we scrape and repaint the pool.
Q: Can the city improve drainage in the dog runs to avoid standing water after rain?
A: This may be a capital project and we will explore with the Marcus Garvey dog run group.
Q: Are there plans to upgrade to safer surfaces like turf, similar to other city dog parks?
A: This may be a capital project and we will explore with the Marcus Garvey dog run group.
Q:Is there a plan to install a statue of Marcus Garvey in the park?
    1. Jonathan Kuhn and Jennifer Lantzas are with Parks’ Arts and Antiquities team which oversees all permanent and temporary monuments and artwork in parks. Tapashi has provided their contact to Linette Dunbar and Laurent Delly who are following up on this request.
    2. Additionally, you can find information on Parks’ guidelines online, as well as the Public Design Commission’s requirements for permanent artwork (and more specifically memorials), as all permanent artworks on city property must be approved by them.

Q: What actions are being taken to address inappropriate behavior around the Watchtower?

A: Parks is aware of the issues surrounding the Watchtower and is looking for ways to activate this space. This year, we will have art sculptures leading up to and on top of the Acropolis until October. We’re open to hearing your ideas and are exploring possibilities internally.

Q: Will there be sculptures or art exhibits in the park this year?
A: Yes, there will be artwork installed in Marcus Garvey in May until October.
Q: Can we create temporary Harlem pickleball courts on the Acropolis?
A: Currently, the surface on the Acropolis is uneven and thus, doesn’t lend itself for pickleball use.
Q: Where is the Park Enforcement Station located?
A: Behind the Recreation Center, to the north of the amphitheater in Marcus Garvey Park
Q: What are the main capital projects for this year? We can reference [link].
    1. The pathway project is the main capital project this year. It includes constructing four ADA-compliant ramps into the park, began April 22. This work, in different areas of the park, will be phased over a three-year period and will be coordinated with other work planned in the park.  We don’t anticipate any impact on other projects.
    2. The ADA ramps will be constructed outside the Rec Center and the path reconstruction will take place in the north portion of the amphitheater. The affected area is highlighted in red in the image below. Construction will last approximately 6 weeks in this section. The entrances at 124th Street, Mount Morris Park W and 123rd Street, and the north side of the recreation center will be closed during this time.

Tapashi Narine

Administrator of Historic Harlem Parks

NYC Parks


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